I have finally finished this years gingerbread house and I have to say there are lots and lots of lollies on this one. Hubby was waiting for me to finish so that he could have the remaining lollies, unfortunately he was very disappointed as there were hardly any left.
I used my standard gingerbread recipe from years gone by as the result is always good. I used nearly a large pack of chocolate freckles for the roof which I decided to decorate before applying to the building. Each side of the roof was very heavy and I needed to use something to help prop up the pieces until the icing had set.
The front of the house had a mixture of “Jelly Tots”, “M and M’s mint” and “Jelly Beans”. You can hardly see the gingerbread for the lollies!
This year I decided to put reindeers, including Rudolph, with a sleigh packed with “goodies” just for a change. I am sure none of them will last very long.
All in all I am pretty happy with the final result. Sometimes you can just keep going, however this time the lollies nearly ran out so I had no choice but to finish the project.
My Grandson wasn’t able to help this year as he lives a lot further away from me now, but I got the “tick of approval” from him and I am sure the eating pleasure will be the same as always.
Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.